Please keep your child at home if they show any signs of illness, which includes the following:
- Diarrhea in the last 24 hours
-Vomiting in the last 24 hours
-Fever in the last 24 hours
-Infectious nose. (green or yellow discharge)
-Pink Eye or other eye infections. (Must be on medication for 24 hrs. before returning.)
- A rash of any kind
- Illness that prevents the child from participating in activities including outdoor play
-Lice-bugs and nits must be completely gone to attend school
A child must be fever free for 24hrs without medication before returning to school.
Every classroom has two co-teachers. We believe that students and teachers thrive better when classrooms have lower ratios and more than one teacher. Additionally, our toddler classes have teacher aides in the classroom, resulting in up to three teachers in a room at a time.
Ratios per class
Toddler A: 10 students to 2 teachers
Toddler B: 10 students to 2 teachers
Toddler C & Toddler D: 15 students to 2 teachers.
PreK A-PreK C: 15 students to 2 teachers
PreK D & Bridge: 15 - 18 students to 2 teachers
Typical Ages per class:
Toddler A: 12-15 months
Toddler B: 15-20 months
Toddler C: 21-27 months
Toddler D: 23-31 months
PreK A: 2.5-3 years
PreK B: 3 years
PreK C: 3.5-4 years
PreK D: 4 years
Bridge: 4.5-5 years
Our day begins at 8:30am with drop-off and chapel. After chapel, depending on the classroom, children will have Outdoor classroom, playground, or class time. Our PreK classes also have a specials time. After lunch our toddler classes nap and our PreK classes nap or have quiet time. Our day ends with pick-up at 2:30pm.
We use a system called Procare. When a child is enrolled in our program the parents will receive an invite to Procare. Procare covers children’s daily sheets, activities, teacher/parent communication, payments, and more
Specials are where we allow children to be exposed to various subjects for them to build upon as they grow! For Example: It has been shown that children who are exposed to languages at an early age have an easier time grasping languages as they get older.
The specials that we offer to our preschool students are
Music/Movement (MF)
Spanish (TWTH)
Specials may cover all of these subjects at any given time.
We like to use Pocket of Preschool red & green choices in the classrooms. It is a positive approach to green choices and good behaviors, worded in a positive way. They are the choices we want students to make. Green is a symbol for go, and red is a symbol for stop.
Green and red choices focus on the choice rather than the child. A teacher can quietly and simply ask if the choice is a green choice or a red choice.
For more information, please click on the link below.